Jednak ostatecznie znamy parę szczegółów na temat tego, co ma się zdarzyć. Po pierwsze, odcinek jest zatytułowany "Last Words" (Ostatnie Słowa), i będzie prawdopodobnie o tym, jak Marshall otrzymuje wsparcie po niespodziewanych wydarzeniach w jego życiu. Żeby potwierdzić, przytaczamy także opis odcinka znaleziony w TV Guide:
"Gang jedzie do Minnesoty z Marshallem, gdzie ten spotyka tyrana, który terroryzował go w szkole"
ENG After the tragic death of Marshall's father on last week's episode of "How I Met Your Mother," the show has painfully decided to leave all of us hanging for another week before releasing a new episode upon us.
However, we at least know a few details about what is going to happen. First, the episode is entitled "Last Words," presumably as a way for Marshall to get some sort of closer following some the recent events in his life. In addition to that, we also have this brief description of the episode courtesy of TV Guide:
"The gang goes to Minnesota with Marshall, who meets a bully who terrorized him in high school."
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